Vmoto owes its rapid development to a management team with strong skills, oriented toward research and innovation. The desire to make a concrete contribution to the creation of a more sustainable lifestyle results in products where quality and performance are always at the top of the list of goals to be achieved.

Charles Chen
Managing Director
Ex Honda Sundiro executive with over 28 years experience in motorcycle manufacturing, international sales and marketing, R&D, procurement and production.
Successful entrepreneur in international motorcycle and mopeds business.
Graduated from Wuhan University (Bachelor of Automobile Engineering) and South Wales University (postgraduate Diploma of Business Administration).
Responsible for the day to day business operations and strategic developments.
Ivan Teo
Finance Director
Finance executive with over 19 years of experience in international businesses including automotive, manufacturing, mining and retail.
Chartered Accountant with significant Western and Asia experience.
Graduated from University of Adelaide (Bachelor of Commerce).
Blair Sergeant
Non-Executive Director
Experienced public company executive who held positions of managing director, finance director, non-executive director and company secretary for numerous listed entities across broad spectrum of industry.
Chartered Secretary, member of the Governance Institute of Australia and an Associate of the Australian Certified Practising Accountants.
Graduated from Curtin University (Bachelor of Business and Post Graduate Diploma in Corporate Administration).
Aaron Kidd
Non-Executive Director
Over 15 years' experience across M&A and capital markets, primarily within Tier 1 global investment banks and private equity, with particular sector specialisation in natural resources and energy transition.
Commenced his career with Goldman Sachs, was previously the Head of the Perth Office of Credit Suisse and now leads Zephyr Capital, a Perth-based independent corporate advisory and private equity firm.
Holds a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) and Bachelor of Commerce (Hons: Corporate and Investment Finance) from the University of Western Australia, where he was awarded various prizes and graduated as Commerce Valedictorian.
Martin Zhou
Non-Executive Director
An experienced motorcycle industry executive with over 36 years’ experience in roles with national and international companies in China and Japan.
Instrumental in Honda Japan’s strategic acquisition and cooperation with China’s Sundiro Group, responsible for introducing and facilitating technical and product development cooperation agreements with a number of Japanese and Chinese motorcycle companies.
A graduate of Shandong University, China, specialising in the study of internal combustion engines and has a Master of Business Administration from the School of Economics, Yamaguchi University in Japan."
Graziano Milone
Chief Marketing Officer / President of Strategic Business Development
Experienced entrepreneur in a number of industry including motorcycle distribution business.
Professional in developing business in Europe with over 15 years of career in Fujitsu limited.
Successfully negotiated worldwide licensing agreement with premium brands for Vmoto Group.
Successfully developed and increased sales for a number of reputable international business groups in Italy and Europe.
Giovanni Castiglioni
Strategic Advisor
Former President, MV Agusta Motor Spa.
Operated the Cagiva company and helped to resurrect iconic brands including Ducati, Husqvarna and MV Agusta over the years.
Immense experience in the motorcycle industry in design, production and engineering.
Operated many successful businesses and recently formed design and engineering company, which have designed many outstanding products.

Vmoto customers and dealers

Romania Smart Mobility Cluj, 2022.6

Romania Smart Mobility Cluj, 2022.6

SP Tech Summit, São Paulo. 2023.4

SP Tech Summit, São Paulo. 2023.4

Test Riding, Serbia. 2022.8

Test Riding, Serbia. 2022.8

Exhibition, France

Exhibition, France